Friday, June 24, 2011

How to Get Rid of Cowlicks

Cowlicks give headaches for thousands of women, regardless of hair length or hair texture. Cowlicks are small, irregular strands characterized by unruly hair that stands out after combing. These cowlicks generally form along the face, neck or in the crown area of the head, forming a pivot that points into every direction. In the majority of cases, people are born with these cowlicks. In fact, many celebrities face this frustrating hair problem, but they use certain tricks to make them less visible. Read on to find out how to get rid of cowlicks using some simple, but ingenious hair styling methods to control these unruly strands. 

Nowadays, you are lucky, as there are many methods available in order to tame your cowlicks. If you don’t want to spend a lot on expensive artificial methods such as electrolysis treatments or plastic surgery, you can go for some great styling tricks to disguise your cowlicks. Follow these steps and get rid of your cowlicks in a simple and effective way.

  • Get a Flattering Haircut

    A good hair stylist can help you with this problem. A well chosen, longer haircut is a great option to successfully style these erratic strands and a professional hair stylist can give you some great tips to camouflage these cowlicks. A tricky haircut can actually solve your problem by guiding your hair into a given direction to make these unruly tufts less visible.

    If your cowlick sticks out on the crown of your head, you can opt for haircuts that add some weight to your locks in order to hold these stands down. Choose a trendy, original hairstyle that incorporates your cowlick into your style and will make you stand out from the crowd. Layered haircuts work really well for camouflaging cowlicks, mainly in the case of girls with curly hair. Shorter layers close to the top of your head will blend cowlicks into your trendy hairstyle. If you want to add some pizzazz to your straight tresses, perming is another option to hide your cowlicks.

    Those with short hair, having cowlicks at the nape of the neck can opt for trendy short hairstyles and the cowlick will instantly mingle with the lower layer of your hair.

    If the cowlicks are located in the front area, at your bangs, you can hide it using a great trick. Tame your cowlicks by using a hairbrush to dry your fringes forwards. Another great option is to go for thick bangs and arrange them properly using hair styling products.

  • Use Hair Styling Products

    You can temporarily get rid of your cowlicks by using some great hair styling products to tame your strands. Hair waxes, mousses, hairsprays, creams, straightening gels and pomades can be highly effective to hold your stubborn cowlicks down. Apply a small amount of the chosen product on the root of your hair to the problematic area and work it out with your fingers the way you want your hair to stay.

  • Style with Blow-drying

    Blow-drying is another great method to tame your cowlicks. Apply your favorite hairstyling product and blow-dry your hair to straighten out your unruly tufts. Use a brush to your hair into the desired direction as you blow-dry it on a low but hot setting to achieve maximum result and create a wonderful hair.

  • Forget about bad hair days when you stand in front of the mirror wondering about what to do with your stubborn cowlicks. Get creative by trying out new hair styling products and experimenting with new, trendy haircuts and ask for professional advice if needed. Follow our tips and choose what works best for your hair in order to look stunning every day.

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