Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cute Short Hairstyles

Kindly smiling heiress proposed to assist Miss Knightley by showing her some fresh hairdo model photos of the latest, cool, emo haircuts for girls. Naggingly appreciating Keira smiled back to soften her disagreement and expressed her secret desire to surprise her husband, family and friends by reinventing her rusting look with one of the curly, cute, short hairstyles for women with dignity.Cleverly smiling heiress nodded her sandy head and suggested to materialize Keira's dream in a playful way of matching her round shape of the face with the face shapes of celebrity people from the latest, trendy, modern pictures of short hairstyles for stylish people. The playful matching game was intended to keep Kiera Knightley occupied while waiting for the master hairdresser.

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